Draft format for reply of notice U/s 142 (1)





Subject: PAN XXXXX Assessment Year 2022-23

For the ITR-2 filed (Ack XXXXXXX) by me (NAME & PAN) on 21 Jul 22 for Assessment Year 2022-23 for which I have received notice u/s 142 (1) (ID XXXXXXX DIN: XXXXXXXX ) dated 08th Aug 23 through online portal mode.

  1. I would like to bring following facts on records: –
  2. a) Intimation order u/s 143 (1) was already issued for PAN XXXXXXX for Assessment Year 2022-23 via DIN no XXXXXXX  dated 10th Aug 22.
  3. b) As per the aforesaid intimation order, there has been no disagreement by the Income Tax Department with regard to income computation and Tax due as filed by me/assesse.
  • Further as per annexure to the notice (u/s 142 (1) dated 08th Aug 23) your good self has asked to furnish certain information/ details/documents/clarification: In regards to the above our respectful submissions are as under: –




Further, for point no (i), (ii) and (viii) above, I have been asked for records beyond previous 6 years despite me being an individual category of assesse with no pending enquires/assessment/scrutiny. Despite being not legally required to maintain the records beyond 6 years, I have furnished all the details to support the transactions quoted.

  • I request the Assessment Unit to kindly share the specific information on record, if any, which contains any adverse/conflicting report/information on me/assesse. I request for opportunity to be given to me/assesse before finalization of any further order by Income Tax Department.  
  • Thus I submit that I had neither understated any income nor have computed excessive losses. Thus there is no loss/under payment of taxes to the revenue.

In addition to above point’s, I would also like to state that I have always paid taxes in full cognizance and there is no default by me in filing of return/payment of taxes.

Hope your good self-will the above in order.

Thanking you,


Enclosures : As specified above

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