How to correct a PAN NO. detail in TDS Challan

1. User id and password
2. Digital Signature

•Step 1: Open TRACES website.

2. Login with Userid and password

•Step 2: Go to “Request for correction” under “Defaults“ by entering relevant Quarter, Financial Year, Form Type , Latest Accepted Token number.
•Correction category should be “Online”.
•Request number will be generated.

•Step 3: Request will be available under “Track Correction Request”
•When request status become “Available” click on Available / In progress status to proceed with the correction.
•Provide information of Valid KYC

•Step 4: Select the type of correction category from the drop down as “PAN Correction”

•Step 5: Make the required corrections in the selected file

•Step 6: Click on “Submit for Processing” to submit your correction (With Digital Signature)

•Step 7: 15 digits token number will be generated and mailed to Registered e-mail ID

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